Laplace Transform Calculator (2024)

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Using the Laplace Transform Calculator

The Laplace Transform Calculator is designed to help you compute the Laplace transform of a given function. This tool is essential in engineering, physics, and control theory, converting complex differential equations into simpler algebraic ones. The process of using our calculator is straightforward, and it's designed with user-friendliness in mind. For us, it's about finding the solution but also understanding the steps in how to solve these problems on our own. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to utilize the Laplace Transform Calculator:

Step 1: Enter the Function For the Laplace transform to be solved, you'll need the right functions. Input it into the designated function bar of the Laplace Transform Calculator. For beginners or those looking for sample problems, there's a "load example" option. Click on it to load a sample function to understand how the calculator computes the Laplace transform. The goal is not just to find answers, but understand how to solve these problems in the future.

Step 2: Select the Variable The Laplace transform primarily operates on a single variable, usually denoted as 't' for time. However, our calculator provides flexibility with variable choices. Make your selection from the variable section.

Step 3: Define the Real Part of s (σ) The Laplace transform operates in the 's' domain, where 's' is a complex number. The real part of 's' is represented by σ. It's essential to input the correct value for σ, as it affects the transformation process. Enter your desired real part in the designated section of the calculator.

Step 4: Define the Imaginary Part of s (ω) Alongside σ, the imaginary part, ω, is crucial in the Laplace transformation. This represents the angular frequency in the 's' domain. Provide the appropriate value for ω in the corresponding section.

Step 5: Press "Calculate" Once you've filled in all the necessary details, simply click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will then process your function and provide the Laplace transform result. Once the solution is shown, a step-by-step process in how to solve that particular problem will populate.

What is Laplace Transform?

Laplace transformations describe integral transformationsthat convert a real-valued function f (t) to a complex-valued function. This transformation is used to convert normal differential equations into algebraic equations that may be used to solve ordinary differential problems.

A linear differential equation is quite common in practical uses, and it frequently emerges from electrical engineering, physics, and control systems challenges. Apart from that, the laplace calculator with steps can only perform regular Laplace transforms, also known as unilateral laplace transforms.

This is because only one side of the Laplace transform (the ordinary side) is used and the inverse Laplace transform side is not used. An integral calculator by parts, on the other hand, can be used to calculate the integrals of functions concerning variables in concern.

Related: You can also find indefinite integral calculator and definite integral calculator to find definite integral online.

Formula used by Laplace Calculator

The laplace transform integral calculator uses below formula to calculate and provide accurate results.

$ F(s) \;=\; \int_0^{+∞} f(t) \;.\; e^{-st} \;.\; dt {2}$

How to solve a question with Laplace Calculator?

For solving this, you'll have to provide the values of your function in the input of the laplace transform calculator step by step.

The Input is

$ L_t \left[ t^4 \; sin(t) \right] (s) {2}$


$ \frac{24 (5s^4 - 10s^2 + 1)} {(s^2 + 1)^5} {2}$


Laplace Transform Calculator (3)


Laplace Transform Calculator (4)

How to caluclatethe Laplace transform of a given function

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Determine if you're being asked to find the Laplace transform or its inverse.

Laplace Transform:

  • The Laplace transform is an integral transform that takes a function (usually a time-dependent function) and transforms it into a complex frequency-domain representation. This is particularly useful for simplifying the solution of differential equations and analyzing linear time-invariant systems in engineering and physics. For instance, if you're given a differential equation or a time-domain signal/function, you might be asked to find its Laplace transform.

Inverse Laplace Transform:

  • The inverse Laplace transform does the opposite – it takes a function from the frequency domain and returns it to the time domain. This is used when you have a solution in the frequency domain (like when you've solved a differential equation using the Laplace transform) and you need to convert it back to the time domain to understand its real-world implications. If you're given a function of 's' (complex frequency) and asked to find its time-domain representation, you're dealing with the inverse Laplace transform.

Identify the function you're working with and any initial conditions if provided.

Function Identification:

  • When you're given a problem, the function in question will often be expressed as f(t) for time-domain functions or F(s) for frequency-domain functions. It could be anything: an exponential function, a sine wave, a polynomial, and so on. This is the primary function you'll be working with when performing the transform.

Step 2: Set Up the Integral for Direct Laplace Transform

Recall the definition: ∫₀^∞ e⁻ˢᵗ f(t) dt

The Laplace transform is an integral transform used to convert a function of a real variable \( t \) (often time) into a function of a complex variable \( s \).

The Integral: \( \int_0^\infty e^{-st} f(t) \, dt \)

  • Integration Bounds (0 to ∞): The integration is carried out from \( t = 0 \) to \( t = \infty \), considering the entire future behavior of the function \( f(t) \) starting from \( t = 0 \).
  • Exponential Term ( \( e^{-st} \) ): This term allows the Laplace transform to handle various functions, including those that grow exponentially. The variable \( s \) is complex and can be written as \( s = \sigma + j\omega \), where \( \sigma \) and \( \omega \) are real numbers. The real part, \( \sigma \), can dampen an exponentially growing function, while the imaginary part, \( j\omega \), deals with oscillatory behavior.
  • Function \( f(t) \): This is the function you want to transform, representing the behavior or signal you're studying in the time domain.

Applying the Formula:

  • Plug in \( f(t) \): Replace the generic \( f(t) \) in the formula with your specific function. For instance, if transforming \( f(t) = e^{-2t} \), set up the integral as: \[ \int_0^\infty e^{-st} e^{-2t} \, dt \]
  • Evaluate the Integral: After inserting your function, perform the integration to get a function in terms of \( s \), which represents the Laplace transform of your original function.
  • Plug your function, \( f(t) \), into this formula.

Step 3: Evaluate the Integral

The integral in the Laplace transform, \( \int_0^\infty e^{-st} f(t) \, dt \), can often be complex due to the exponential factor combined with the function \( f(t) \). Various integration techniques may be necessary to solve it.

Integration by Parts

  • This method uses the formula: \( \int u \, dv = uv - \int v \, du \)
  • Choose parts of the integrand as \( u \) and \( dv \). Differentiate \( u \) to get \( du \) and integrate \( dv \) to get \( v \).
  • Apply the formula to evaluate the integral.

Trigonometric Substitutions

  • Use when the integrand involves square root terms that resemble Pythagorean identities.
  • Depending on the form, use:
    • \( \sin(\theta) \) for \( \sqrt{a^2 - x^2} \)
    • \( \cos(\theta) \) for \( \sqrt{x^2 + a^2} \)
    • \( \tan(\theta) \) for \( \sqrt{x^2 - a^2} \)
  • Replace \( x \) with the chosen trigonometric function, differentiate to find \( dx \), and then evaluate the integral in terms of \( \theta \).

Completing the Square

  • Useful for integrands with a quadratic expression.
  • Rewrite the quadratic as \( (x - h)^2 + k \).
  • This method can simplify the integral, especially when combined with other techniques which will help the next few steps.

Step 4: Use Laplace Transform Properties

The Laplace transform has foundational properties that can simplify calculations. Utilizing these properties can often reduce complex problems to more straightforward forms. Below is a detailed exploration:

Linearity Property

  • Definition: The Laplace transform is linear. For any functions \( f(t) \) and \( g(t) \), and constants \( a \) and \( b \): \[ \mathcal{L}\{a f(t) + b g(t)\} = a \mathcal{L}\{f(t)\} + b \mathcal{L}\{g(t)\} \]
  • Implication: You can transform each function separately and combine results, rather than working with a combined function.
  • Example: If you know the Laplace transforms of \( t \) and \( e^t \) separately, the transform of \( 3t + 5e^t \) can be found using linearity.

Shift Theorem (First Shifting Property)

  • Definition: For a function \( f(t) \) with Laplace transform \( F(s) \), the transform of \( e^{at}f(t) \) is: \[ \mathcal{L}\{e^{at} f(t)\} = F(s - a) \]
  • Implication: An exponential term \( e^{at} \) in the time domain corresponds to a shift in the complex frequency domain.
  • Example: If the transform of \( f(t) \) is \( F(s) \), then the transform of \( e^{2t} f(t) \) is \( F(s - 2) \).

Differentiation Property

  • Definition: If \( f(t) \) has a Laplace transform \( F(s) \), then the transform of its derivative \( f'(t) \) is: \[ \mathcal{L}\{f'(t)\} = sF(s) - f(0) \]
  • Implication: This is useful when dealing with differential equations, allowing work in the frequency domain rather than differentiating in the time domain.
  • Example: If the transform of \( f(t) \) is \( F(s) \) and \( f(0) = c \), the transform of \( f'(t) \) is \( sF(s) - c \).

Step 5: Refer to Laplace Transform Tables

  • Many functions have already been transformed and tabulated. Before diving into a complex integration, check if your function (or parts of it) is listed in standard Laplace transform tables.
  • A typical Laplace table will have two columns:
    • Time Domain (t-space) - this column lists various common functions of time, \( f(t) \).
  • Frequency Domain (s-space)
    • This column provides the Laplace transform of the corresponding time function, usually represented as \( F(s) \).


\( f(t) \) (Time Domain)\( F(s) \) (Frequency Domain)
\( 1 \)\( \frac{1}{s} \)
\( e^{at} \)\( \frac{1}{s-a} \)
\( t \)\( \frac{1}{s^2} \)
\( \sin(at) \)\( \frac{a}{s^2 + a^2} \)

Step 6: Handling the Inverse Laplace Transform

  • The inverse Laplace transform shifts from the frequency domain back to the time domain. If you encounter a complex expression while finding the inverse, break it down using methods like partial fraction decomposition. This makes the expression simpler, and often matches entries in standard Laplace tables. By referring to these tables, you can easily identify the corresponding time functions for each fraction, streamlining the process.

Step 7: Verification

  • While performing the Laplace transform or its inverse, each step can introduce errors which makes verication not just important to check your work, but to move on to the next step. In my experience, I ask my students to verify with every chance they get (and show their work!). Here's a few ways how.

  • Direct Transforms: After finding the Laplace transform of a function, you can verify its accuracy by finding its inverse. If the inverse of your transformed function matches the original function you started with, your result is likely correct.

  • Use aLaplace Transform Calculators: Many online tools and calculators allow you to input a function and receive its Laplace transform. After manually finding the Laplace transform, input your original function into one of these calculators and compare the results. They should match.

Step 8: Apply the Result to the Original Problem

  • Once you've found the Laplace transform or its inverse and verified its accuracy, the next crucial step is to apply this result back to your original problem. In the context of engineering or physics, the transform often provides insights into a system's behavior or characteristics. First, ensure that your derived solution actually satisfies the original equation or system of equations you were working with. This might involve plugging it back into a differential equation or another model to confirm its validity. This will allow you to keep moving forward in the calculation or work. If you're analyzing a system, such as an electrical circuit or a mechanical setup, the result can be instrumental in understanding various aspects like the system's response to inputs, its stability over time, or potential oscillations. For students and professionals alike, this step bridges the gap between mathematical computation and real-world application, ensuring that the work done isn't just theoretically sound but also practically relevant.

Step 9: Document Each Step

  • Clearly outline each step taken. Students...SHOW YOUR WORK!!!
  • I can't stress this enough to my students. Getting the right answer is the accumulation of the work put in. Showing your equation is good practice, but will also help you understand the laplace transform method.

Terms & Definitions used for laplace transform calculations

Laplace TransformAn integral transform that changes a function of a real variable (often time) into a function of a complex variable (often frequency). Formula: \( \mathcal{L}\{f(t)\} = F(s) = \int_0^\infty e^{-st} f(t) \, dt \)
Time DomainA representation of a signal or function in terms of time (t). In this domain, each point of a signal is represented concerning its time of occurrence.
Frequency DomainA representation of a signal or function in terms of frequencies. It provides information on the signal's magnitude and phase at each frequency.
Complex Variable (s)A variable that can take on the value of any complex number. In the context of the Laplace transform, 's' is often used as the complex frequency variable and consists of a real part (\( \sigma \)) and an imaginary part (\( \omega \)).
Real Part (\( \sigma \))The component of a complex number that doesn't involve the imaginary unit (often denoted as 'i' or 'j'). In the Laplace transform, \( \sigma \) represents the exponential decay or growth rate.
Imaginary Part (\( \omega \))The component of a complex number that involves the imaginary unit. In the Laplace transform, \( \omega \) represents the oscillation frequency.
Exponential Function (\( e^{-st} \))The base of natural logarithms raised to the power of negative 's' times 't'. It's used in the Laplace transform to weigh the function as it's integrated.
ConvergenceA property that determines whether the Laplace transform of a function exists. The transform converges if the integral has a finite value.
Inverse Laplace TransformA method used to retrieve the original time-domain function from its frequency domain representation.
Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) SystemsSystems whose behavior doesn't change over time and whose output to a linear combination of inputs is the same linear combination of the outputs for those inputs.
Initial and Final Value TheoremsThese theorems allow users to determine the initial and final values of a time-domain function directly from its Laplace transform, without performing the inverse transform.
Poles and ZerosPoints in the complex plane where the Laplace-transformed function becomes infinite (poles) or zero (zeros). They provide insights into the stability and behavior of LTI systems.

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Learning more about the laplace transform

What is the Laplace Transform's principal purpose?

The Laplace transform's principal purpose is to convert Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) into algebraic variables. This conversion aids in the simple solution of ODEs.

The process of converting ordinary differential equations into the algebric variable is tricky due to long manual calculations. But the laplace transform calculator step by step make it quite easier for students of any level.

Can we solve differential equation using laplace transform calculator?

Yes, this laplace differential equation calculator helps you calculate your query and it provides you with steps and graph.

What are the most common laplace transform uses?

  1. Differential Equations:

    • The Laplace transform can convert linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) into algebraic equations, which are often easier to solve. Once solved, the inverse Laplace transform is applied to return to the time domain solution.
  2. Control System Analysis and Design:

    • Engineers use the Laplace transform to analyze and design control systems. It's instrumental in determining system stability, transient response, and frequency response.
  3. Circuit Analysis:

    • Electrical engineers use the Laplace transform to analyze complex circuits, especially those with capacitors and inductors. By transforming circuit equations into the frequency domain, engineers can more easily solve for voltages and currents.
  4. Signal Processing:

    • The Laplace transform is used to analyze and filter signals in the frequency domain, which can be especially useful when dealing with noisy signals.
  5. System Modeling:

    • Physical systems, such as mechanical systems, electrical systems, and fluid systems, can be modeled using differential equations. The Laplace transform aids in simplifying the analysis of these systems.
  6. Convolution:

    • The convolution integral is used to find the output of linear time-invariant systems. Using the Laplace transform, convolution in the time domain becomes multiplication in the frequency domain, simplifying the process.
  7. Operational Calculus:

    • The Laplace transform provides a method to solve integral and differential equations algebraically, making it a foundational tool in operational calculus.
  8. Transient Phenomena Analysis:

    • In physics and engineering, the Laplace transform is used to analyze transient phenomena, such as the sudden discharge of a capacitor or the response of a damper to a sudden force.
  9. Heat and Diffusion Equations:

    • In physics, the Laplace transform is used to solve partial differential equations related to heat transfer and diffusion processes.
  10. Vibrations and Dynamics:

  • Mechanical engineers use the Laplace transform to analyze the dynamic behavior of systems, such as the vibrations of structures or mechanical components.
  1. Probability and Statistics:
  • The Laplace transform is related to the moment-generating function, a tool in probability theory and statistics that helps characterize probability distributions.
  1. Boundary Value Problems:
  • In mathematics and physics, the Laplace transform can be applied to solve certain boundary value problems, especially those with fixed boundary conditions.

These are just a few of the many applications of the Laplace transform. Its ability to convert complex time-domain problems into simpler frequency-domain problems makes it extremely valuable and one of the most widely used calcuations for field work.

What is the distinction between the Fourier and the Laplace Transforms?

In short...a ton. I tried to put the basics into what makes the difference in each type of laplace calcuation. Please let me know if I missed anything

CriteriaFourier TransformLaplace Transform
Definition and DomainConverts a time-domain signal into its frequency domain representation. Deals with signals that are functions of real numbers.Converts a time-domain signal into a complex frequency domain representation. Works with signals that are functions of complex numbers.
Complex Plane UsageFocuses on the imaginary axis of the complex plane (jω-axis).Uses the entire complex plane (both real and imaginary parts).
ConvergenceRequires the signal to be absolutely integrable over all time.Has a broader range of convergence, dealing with exponential growth by shifting its region in the complex plane.
ApplicationsUsed in signal processing, communications, image analysis, and quantum physics. Suitable for analyzing periodic or stable signals.Used in control theory, system analysis, and differential equation solutions. Suitable for analyzing transient or initial value problems.
Resultant FunctionsYields a function purely in terms of frequency (ω).Produces a function in terms of a complex frequency (s).
ExistenceExists for functions that are square-integrable over the entire real line.Can exist for functions that grow exponentially, thanks to its real part providing damping.
Inverse TransformsHas an inverse that returns the function from the frequency domain to the time domain.Also has an inverse that brings the function back from the complex frequency domain to the time domain.
Formulation\( F(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-j\omega t} \, dt \)\( F(s) = \int_{0}^{\infty} f(t) e^{-st} \, dt \)
Nature of SignalsBest suited for signals that go on indefinitely.Can handle signals that start at a point other than negative infinity, making it versatile for many real-world signals.
Laplace Transform Calculator (2024)


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